Easy Ways to Help an Important Mestre
Now’s the time to walk the walk, folks.
Here’s a message from Mestre Lua Rasta in regard to Mestre Bigodinho in Salvador.
He gives some easy suggestions that every group can take to help. If we all give, we can make a big difference!
Keep in mind that euros, dollars, and yen go far in Brazil.
Oi galera,
Mestre Bigodinho is recovering from a fracture in his leg and it is hard for him to get around, and consequently, work.
So, we are asking everyone to pitch in and help.
If everyone who understands the importance of Mestre could do a little, I believe that we can ease this difficult time for him.
The following actions would be a lot of help:
- A fund-raising event at your space (roda, workshop, film screening, party, feijoada) to support Mestre.
- Buy a Mestre Waldemar cd (a single one or an entire box!) from Teimosia who has proposed that the proceeds be donated to Mestre. Email requests to: cdmestrewaldemar (at) gmail (dot) com
- Buy the DVD "Tributo ao Mestre Bigodinho" from o Atelier de Mestre Lua Rasta. The proceeds from this will be donated to Mestre. E-mail requests to: atelierlua (at) hotmail (dot) com
- Visit Mestre because it’s no fun to feel lonely during a hard time. You can contact him by calling his daughter Joanice at: 55 71 3257 98 05 or 55 71 8854 56 80
Once again, we have reached a troubling situation in regard to capoeira mestres in Brazil. Through thousands of processes where rivers of money are spent on contracting professionals – that in many cases aren’t even capoeiristas – to “decide” the destiny of capoeira as a historic patrimony, our true patrimonies (the guardians of culture, as the intellectuals like to say) do not have support of the government in moments like this, that happen all the time.
It falls to us capoeiristas, the people who understand the path of a capoeira mestre , to resolve to, at the very least, lessen the suffering of someone who has dedicated his life to capoeira and who is now facing difficulties buying expensive prescription medicines, pay the bills and at the same time be cared for and fed with the dignity he serves.
For these and for others, we ask for your help. And don’t wait! É hora é hora.
If you can help, let us know!
Mestre Lua Rasta
Reminder about Mexico Event in November
hey everyone: just a reminder that the early registration for the November Mexico event closes on October 15 (Friday!).
Don't wait til the last minute!
For more information about the event, check out our original posting.
Compañer@s y amig@s,
La Fundación Internacional de Capoeira Angola - México (FICA-MX), tiene el placer de invitarlos al 6° Aniversario de la FICA-MX "Tres raíces, una cultura", que se llevará a cabo del día 3 al día 7 de noviembre de 2010, en las ciudades de México y Xalapa, Veracruz.
En este evento participarán Mestre Cobra Mansa (FICA-BA), Mestre Jurandir (FICA-BH), Contramestre Rogério Teber (FICA-MX), Treinel Beto (FICA-Chicago) y Treinel Daniel (FICA-Oakland).
El costo del evento es de $1500 en preventa (hasta el 15 de octubre) y de $1800 después de la fecha indicada.
Las primeras 20 personas que se inscriban al evento tendrán un lugar asegurado en el transporte México-Xalapa-México. Le pedimos a los interesados que se comuniquen con nosotros lo antes posible, los lugares son limitados.
Este será un gran momento para descubrir el universo de la Capoeira Angola, no duden en invitar a todos sus amig@s y familiares.
Esperamos contar con su presencia.
Curitiba, Brazil: 10 Years of ACAD!
Associação de Capoeira Angola Dobrada
Invites all to participate in
the celebration of 10 years of
ACAD Curitiba
November 11 – 15, 2010
Mestre Rogério - ACAD Germany
Mestre Índio - ACAD Italy
Contra-mestre Negão - ACAD Curitiba
Contra-mestre Alexandre -ACAD
Treinel Iran - ACAD BH
Invited Guests: Mestre Peixe -Cosmos RJ & Mestre Manoel - Ypiranga de Pastinha RJ
Location: ACAD Curitiba home, Rua Presidente Faria, 372, sobreloja, Centro
Cost: R$ 60,00
Single day R$ 25,00
contacts: (41) 9626-0713/ 8480-0201/ 3328-8969;
contramestrenegao (at) yahoo (dot) com (dot) br
Porto Velho, Rondônia, Brazil: November Workshops
Workshop 2010
November 23 - 25
Free workshops!
Capoeira Angola workshops with Mestre Cobra Mansa e Contramestre Urubu
in homage of Mestre Pastinha
lectures, workshops, video screenings, bazaar, expositions, stretching, techniques, gingas, instruments, capoeira roda, and a show by Banda Leão do Norte
starting at 6 pm
Teatro Banzeiros
rua Jose do Patrocinio, 512
Centro Porto Velho
Youth in Action in NYC
June 12th-!3th, 2010.
It was the Youth in Action: Service through Movement Conference in NYC. A really beautiful event with workshops taught completely by volunteers from around the city, country and the world. It was a wonderful thing to have such a variety of workshops: african & african brazilian percussion, capoeira movement & music, yoga, health & nutrition, art & the environment. Young people of all ages were with us and the energy was vibrant. Family and friends were there to support and to learn. There were struggles and obstacles (as there are with all events) but in the end, we were so glad for the outcome and look forward to all the opportunities to bring more events like this to the young people in our worldwide capoeira community.
We want to give a huge thanks again to all of guest instructors:
•Treinel Kamau - FICA Philly
•Atlanta Amado Forsyth - Samba
•Aloan Damasceno - FICA Bahia
•Karen Nicely - Yoga
•Stephen Dahmer MD - Health & Nutrition
•Ted Gousse L.Ac. - Health & Nutrition
and to our Mestres for their support and guidance.
Check out our website for even more pictures of this exciting event.
Be well.
Barcelona, Spain: 12 Years of Filhos de Angola
12th Anniversary
Filhos de Angola Barcelona
Mestre Laércio, Contramestre Pezão, Contramestre Gato Preto
November 26 – 28, 2010
Get the details here (in Spanish).
Special Guests: M Laércio, Mestre Valmir, Contramestre Pezão, Contramestre Gato Preto, Contramestre Dirceu, Treineu Gege and others!
Release of new cd: “O jogo da malicia”
Contact: Anderson, (00 34) 651 81 89 89
12º Aniversario Filhos de Angola Barcelona
26, 27 y 28 de Noviembre
Toda la información la encontrareis en nuestro blog.
Con la presencia de:
y otros invitados por confirmar…
Presentación de nuestro nuevo CD : "O jogo da malicia"
contato: Anderson,(00 34) 651 81 89 89
Capoeira in Recife: the Tough Guys & the Troublemakers
We know much about the history of capoeira in Rio de Janeiro thanks to work of Jair Moura and Carlos Eugênio Líbano Soares. Likewise, we have a lot of information about its history in Bahia thanks to the research of Frede Abreu, Antonio Liberac Cardoso Simões Pires, and others. However, there is significantly less known capoeira's past in the city of Recife, the capital of the state of Pernambuco, despite being one of Brazil's largest metropolitan areas and a major port city.
Bernardo Alves, a researcher who wrote a book about capoeira in Pernambuco discussed his findings in an interview with the group CICA (Centro de Instrução de Capoeira Angola) that was published in their journal, Biriba, in April 2002.
In the interview, Alves touches on many different themes: the various identities of capoeiristas of early twentieth century Pernambuco, the consequences of the lack of organization, and the "ethics" of capoeira.
Here is an excerpt of their conversation:
CICA: The fact that the maltas came together to fight, this rivalry between them, shows us that there was not solidarity around this work, but only a shock. Do you think that this also determined the lack of development of capoeira in Pernambuco?Extremely interesting! Would you be as genteel as to carry on your shoulder and pay the medical bills of the person you knocked down?
Alves: I don’t believe so. It was more like partisanism. So, there were those that supported the more famous groups of the 4th Infantry Battalion and the guys that supported the other one that was famous, the band of Pedro espanhol, the Espanha. There were the criminals doing security for the officials. They would go there cheering and the capoeiras in the front were doing security work. In truth, they weren’t interested in doing security. They wanted to play. If you took out the capoeiras who were supporting this group, the others would come in and make trouble, breaking it up with clubs. But I will answer your question. So, there was this partisanism. In Bahia, capoeira was preserved because the Bahian preserved capoeira in the academies. If the academies had not been created, the same thing would have happened there that happened here [in Recife]. Those from here were expelled and those from there stayed around. A large majority of capoeiras from Bahia stayed there. So, they transformed this thing into a dance, or something; they disguised it; there was this disguise that did not happen here. I believe that they stopped passing capoeira from generation to generation and it ended. There wasn’t this passing down between generations, and there in Bahia this happened because of the existence of academies… you always have those guys that say no, this is a thing of the people, it has to be spontaneous, it can’t happen in the academies. But if there had not been academies, it would have disappeared in Bahia as well.
CICA: Did you not find any references to organized groups? Be it on the stage or in fights?
Alves: It was a neighborhood thing. The capoeira from Madalena didn’t enter in Coellos. He wouldn’t go under any circumstances. They are tribes. This is a very primitive thing.
CICA: Without a system nor an academy, capoeira here was more about malandragem… So, in the past the only people who practiced capoeira were the tough guys and bullies?
Alves: Yes. Remember that there were these two currents of capoeira in Pernambuco. That this here was the tough guy, and this here was the troublemaker. The tough guy was the guy who was more ethical, had more scruples. And the troublemaker was the guy who wanted to create trouble. He arrived and started fighting. But the tough guy, no. The tough guy was more dangerous than the other. It wasn’t a technical dispute. It was a fight to really knock the other out. Nascimento Grande was a very interesting guy. He was funny, that is, he would knock the other guy down and afterwards, he would carry the guy on his shoulders to the hospital and say, “Look, take good care of this friend of mine, here is some money, ok?”
CICA: Was there any kind of ethics between the capoeiristas in hand-to-hand combat?
Alves: Among the tough guys.
CICA: And among the troublemakers?
Bernardo: Among the troublemakers it was anything goes and a little more.
We'll be presenting works that highlight the history of capoeira in other cities over the next few months.
Do you know anything about the roots of capoeira in your city (perhaps you are the roots - especially if you are reading this side of the blog!)?
The whole conversation (in Portuguese) can be found in the FICA-DC archives.
São Paulo, Brazil: Celebrating São Cosme e Damião
4th Festa de São Cosme e Damião
September 26 at 2 pm
Candy and games
Caruru and samba de roda
Rua Conselheiro Ramalho, 945
Bela Vista – São Paulo – SP
This has to be the best poster ever.
Salvador, Brazil: Celebrating 21 Years of Acanne
Acanne presents
November 16 – 21, 2010
Salvador, Bahia
An autonomous body within capoeira
To redefine: this will be the objective of the workshops led by Mestre Renê.
Where, through exercises of corporal un-conditioning, we will look to stimulate the construction of an autonomous identity within capoeira.
Cost: 100 reais, includes feijoada and a place to sleep at the Acanne space.
Location: Rua do Sodré nº48 Dois de julho, next to the Sacred Art Museum
You may register by email. Contact:
mestrerene (at) yahoo (dot) com
acannezion (at) hotmail (dot) com
Telephone contacts:
For a complete schedule of events (in Portuguese, but you’ll understand), which includes classes, lectures, frescobol on the beach, rodas, and parties, click here.
Helsinki, Finland: Workshops with M Valmir
FICA-Helsinki presents
Workshops with Mestre Valmir
November 5 - 7
Friday: 18:00-22:00
Saturday: 11:00-18:00
Sunday: 11:00-18:00
Zodiak, Kaapelitehdas
Tallberginkatu 1
70 euros (60 euros paid before 22.10.)
Friday 25 euros
Saturday 35 euros
Sunday 35 euros
Information & registration:
tapani (at) capoeira-angola (dot) fi
Bogotá, Colombia: Enconter with M Valmir
Mandinga en Colombia 2010
4th International Capoeira Angola Encounter
Mestre Valmir
October 11 - 18
Bogotá, Colombia
Grupo de Estudo
FICA - Bogotá
Fundação Internacional de Capoeira Angola
ficabogota (at) gmail (com) com
Thanks to Fabricio for the poster.
Boston, USA: 16th Annual Roots of Bahia Encounter
"Mestre Bimba meets Mestre Pastinha"
October 29 - 31
Presented by The Brazilian Cultural Center of New England and Mestre Deraldo Academy João Pequeno de Pastinha, Centro Esportivo de Capoeira Angola.
Invited guests: Grand Mestre Joao Grande, Mestre Deraldo Ferreira, Mestre Laercio dos Angos Borges, Mestre Pe de Chumbo, Contra-Mestre Iuri Santos, Mestre Amen Santo, and Mestre Efraim Silva (full bios below).
The Dance Complex
536 Massachusetts Ave
Cambridge, MA
Friday, October 29
Studio 1
5:00-6:00pm Capoeira Angola
6:00-7:00pm Capoeira Angola
7:00-8:00pm Capoeira Angola
8:00-10:00pm Roda
Saturday, October 30
Studio 1
1:30-3:00pm Capoeira Angola
3:00-4:00pm Maculele
4:00-5:30pm Capoeira Angola
5:30-7:00pm Capoeira Angola
7:00-9:00pm Roda
Studio 2
1:30-3:00pm Capoeira Angola
3:00-4:30pm Afro-Brazilian Dance
4:30-6:00pm Capoeira
6:00-7:00pm Capoeira
Sunday, October 31
Studio 1
12:30-1:30 Capoeira Angola
1:30-2:30 Capoeira Angola
2:30-3:30 Capoeira
3:30-6:30 Roda
Studio 2
1:30-3:00 Afro-Brazilian Dance
Price List:
- Friday only: $60
- Saturday only: $90
- Sunday only: $80
- Afro-Brazilian Dance Workshop only: $20
- Full encounter before October 15th: $170 (includes Halloween dance party**)
- Full encounter after October 15: $190 (includes Halloween dance party**)
- Encounter T-shirts: $12
**The Halloween Dance party will be with live Brazilian music and dancing. Groups Samba Tremeterra and Raizes do Forro will perform Saturday night at Ryles Jazz Club - 212 Hampshire St, Cambridge.
Mestre Deraldo Ferreira is Founder and Artistic Director of The Brazilian Cultural Center of New England, one of three Brazilian Cultural Points in the US, designated by then Brazilian Minister of Culture, Gilberto Gil. A Mestre (official master) of Capoeira Angola, Mestre Deraldo brings a 35-year tenure in Capoeira, Samba drumming and dancing, musical composition and choreography. Mestre Deraldo began studying Capoeira at the age of 14. He founded the Academy of Capoeira in his hometown of Santos, Sao Paulo, Brazil, and he became a certified Mestre of Capoeira in 1984. Deraldo studied Capoeira Angola with Grand Mestre João Pequeno de Pastinha, student of Grand Mestre Pastinha, the "father and protector of capoeira" from an early age in Brazil. Grand Mestre João Pequeno graduated Deraldo as a master of Capoeira Angola in 2004. In the 1990’s he founded the Brazilian music and dance ensemble Samba Tremeterra. Mestre Deraldo is a featured music and dance soloist with Osvaldo Golijov’s 'La Pasión Segun San Marcos' in running performances worldwide. He was one of the first to bring Capoeira and Brazilian samba to North America. Over the past 25 years, Mestre Deraldo has taught regular classes at Amherst College, Hampshire College, MIT, Smith College, Wellesley College, Wheaton College, numerous dance and music studios, Canada, and Italy.
Grand Mestre João Grande was born in 1933 in Itagi, Bahia. Grand Mestre Pastinha accepted João as a student at age 20, and made him a master in 1968. After Grand Mestre Pastinha passed in 1981, Grand Mestre João Grande stopped playing Capoeira. Persuaded by Mestre Moraes he returned in the mid-1980's. In 1989 Jelon Vieira invited him to the U.S. and he returned in 1990 to present Capoeira Angola in Atlanta and New York; he has been teaching in New York ever since. He received a Doctorate of Humane Letters from Upsala College in 1995, and the National Heritage Fellowship from the National Endowment for the Arts in 2001.
Mestre Laércio dos Anjos Borges was born in Salvador, Bahia, in 1966, and started learning Capoeira in 1978. Mestre Laércio is a founding member of the Grupo Filhos de Angola (1984) and the Associação Brasileira de Capoeira Angola (1991). He currently lives and teaches in Berlin and gives workshops throughout Europe. He is keenly dedicated to teaching the art, knowledge, philosophy and awareness of Capoeira Angola in Europe in a dynamic manner.
Mestre Pé de Chumbo, born in 1964 in Floresta Azul, Bahia, began practicing Capoeira at age 10. In 1981, he began training with Grand Mestres João Grande and Grand Mestre João Pequeno, who graduated him as a mestre. Mestre Pé de Chumbo continues to remain close to Grand Mestre João Pequeno (93 yrs old) and is committed to teaching the traditional Capoeira he learned under this great Capoeira Mestre. He has established schools in Brazil, Europe, Mexico, the U.S. and in Germany, where he now resides.
Contra-Mestre Iuri Santos grew up immersed in the rich Afro-Brazilian culture of Salvador, Bahia, where he learned the art of Capoeira Angola. In 1998, he moved to Indiana and founded North Star Capoeira. Iuri teaches Capoeira at Indiana University, IUPUI, in Bloomington and in Indianapolis.
Mestre Amen Santo, born and raised in Salvador, Bahia, is a mestre of Capoeira and master drummer and dance teacher. He began Capoeira with Mestre Waldemar da Paixão and Mestre Avila. In 1989 he founded the Brasil Brasil Cultural Center and the Capoeira Batuque Academy, in Los Angeles. He has been honored in the Martial Arts Hall of Fame, and as a pioneer by the World Sokeship Council.
Mestre Efraim Silva was born in 1964, in Guaruja, São Paulo. He learned Capoeira under Mestres Trindade and Humberto. He moved to the U.S. in 1989 and received a Master of Capoeira certificate from the São Paulo Federation of Capoeira in 1994. He teaches at Yale among other schools and is the Artistic Director of Afro-Brazilian Performing Arts of CT and Ginga Brasileira Dance Company.
Call 617-388-8403 or 617-407-6525 to sign up and spread the word!
Hamburg, Germany: 7th International Encounter
7th International Encounter
Hamburg, Germany
September 23 - 26
Mestre Robson Bocao - Grande Pequeno Sou Eu
Contra Mestre Silvinho - Capoeira Angola Mae
Contra Mestre Moreira - Escola Mukambu
Professor Charel - Angoleiros do Mar
Professor Geyson - Escola Mukambu
Professor Papagaio - Ginga Camará
Professora Moranguinho - Grande Pequeno Sou Eu
Treinel Ceguinho - Grande Pequeno Sou Eu
Treinel Cabecao - Grande Pequeno Sou Eu
Treinel Angolinha - Grande Pequeno Sou Eu
25 years of Capoeira: MESTRE ROBSON BOCÃO.
Like every year in September - as a tradition of our group, a workshop will take place on this festive occasion besides to celebrate a birthday at the same time. A 'get together' of mestres, professores and various other guests - invited from all over the world of Capoeira!
Special guest:
MESTRE LITO [Colorado - Paraná - Brasil]
Mestre Bocão's first and always honoured teacher in Capoeira.
This weekend we celebrate not only more than 25 years of life dedicated to Capoeira approved as an always faithful companion - it is also the perfect chance to get deeper into this fascinating, inspiring and sage art of lived culture by encountering the intensive spiritual energy of Capoeira at this 'convivência' [live together].
"Beyond the aspect of martial arts Capoeira is understood as a vivid philosophy of life manifested in rhythm, movements, music and chant."[Homepage]
In this spirit...
Axé para a Capoeira!
If you want to participate the workshop send a message to either:
Bocaoangola (at) web.de
moranguinho (at) email.de
For planning this event accordingly - please register yourself as soon as you know you will be part of!
Fee: 120,- EUR.
For more information just give us a phone call! +0049-(0)40-415 496 78 or +0049-(0)40-413 507 53.
... or visit us on facebook...
São Paulo, Brazil: Batendo Tambor with Lots of Mestres
4th Encounter
Escola Cultural Zungu Capoeira
“Batendo Tambor”
September 16 - 19
Rua Almirante Marques Leão, 787
Bela Vista
São Paulo, Brazil
Mestre Ananias & group
Invited guests: Mestre Bigo (Francisco 45), Mestre Cobra Manas, Mestre Móa do Katendê, Mestre Russo de Caxais, Mestre Lua Rasta, MEstre Barrão, Mestre Negoativo, Mestre Ray
For more information, call:
(11) 23081306
(11) 81788486 (Cacá)
(11) 84165234 (Cabeleira)
Inglewood, California, USA: Workshops with M João Grande
Workshop with Mestre João Grande
Presented by Capoeira Angola Center Ngolo Arts
October 8 - 11, 2010
Chuco’s Justice Center
1137 E. Redondo Blvd.
Inglewood, CA 90302
Capoeira icon and master teacher Mestre João Grande will be teaching movement, music and song of the the ancient African-Brazilian tradition of Capoeira Angola in the tradition of his teacher, Mestre Pastinha. Everyone is welcome to participate, regardless of experience, style, school, gender or age!
There will also be Samba and other arts taught and exhibited at this event. We will keep you all posted.
Register early for workshop discounts:
$150 for Friday thru Monday, $50 per day up to October 3, 2010
$175 for Friday thru Monday, $75 per day, $40 half day after October 3, 2010
$20 for each roda (Friday, Saturday, Sunday evening)
Youth under 18 can participate for free!
To preregister, make out money order or cashier’s check to Ngolo Arts Preservation Society and send to:
James Simmons
Capoeira Angola Center Ngolo Arts
P.O. Box 431368
Los Angeles, CA 90043
We hope you will all take the time and collect your dollars, dimes, nickles and quarters to take advantage of learning from this great elder of this beautiful art.
If you can't make it to New York, L.A. is the place to train with Mestre João Grande!
Call Uncle James at 424-200-4968 for more information.
Philadelphia, USA: Beginners' Session
Hey folks, if you have a friend in Philly who is interested in capoeira, let them know about this great class!
Interested in Afro-brazilian music? Culture? Dance? Martial Arts?
Then come join us for our Fall 2010 Beginner's Session!
September 20 - October 20 (10 classes)
Mondays and Wednesdays from 7:00pm - 8:30pm
MLK Recreation Center, 22nd and Cecil B. Moore Avenue
$90 (includes class t-shirt)
This program of 10 classes will focus on the basic movements, philosophy, and instrumentation of Capoeira Angola.
Chicago, USA: Workshops with M Valmir
Workshops with Mestre Valmir
of FICA-Bahia
September 7 - 12
Quilombo Cultural Center
1757 N. Kimball Avenue
Chicago, IL
Classes will be as follows:
tuesday: 7pm to 9:30pm
wednesday: 7pm to 9:30pm
thursday: 7pm to 9:30pm
friday: 7pm to 10pm
saturday: 11am to 1pm & 3pm to 6pm
sunday: 1pm to 4pm RODA
Classes are open to all. Not recommended for first timers.
Investment: $20/class
$45/3 classes
Questions: info (at) quilombocenter (dot) org
or call 773.227.8879
el DF, Mexico: 6th Anniversary in November
6th Anniversary of FICA-Mexico
Tres raíces, una cultura
3 Roots, One Culture
3 – 7 of November
D.F. & Xalapa, Veracruz
Invited guests: Mestres Cobra Mansa, Jurandir, Contramestre Rogério Teber
Space is limited. Registration will close on October 15.
More information coming soon.
Contact: ficamexico (at) yahoo (dot) com
“ FICA-Mexico will provide transportation between the two cities.
La Fundación Internacional de Capoeira Angola - México (FICA-Mx), el contramestre Rogério Teber y alumnos, tienen el placer de invitarlos al "6° Aniversario de la FICA-Mx: Tres raíces, una cultura", que se llevará a cabo del día 3 al día 7 de noviembre de 2010, en las ciudades de México y Xalapa, Veracruz.
En este evento participarán Mestre Cobra Mansa, Mestre Jurandir, el Contramestre Rogério Teber y estarán presentes treneus y alumnos avanzados de la FICA. La posible presencia de Mestre Manoel (grupo Ypiranga de Pastinha, Rio de Janeiro) está por confirmarse.
Más adelante les comunicaremos los costos de este gran encuentro, así como su contenido y programación.
Además, la FICA-Mx organizará el transporte México D.F./Xalapa y Xalapa/D.F. Le pedimos a los interesados que se comuniquen con nosotros lo antes posible, los lugares son limitados y la fecha límite de inscripción es el 15 de octubre.
Este será un gran momento para descubrir el universo de la Capoeira Angola, no duden en invitar a todos sus amig@s y familiares.
Esperamos contar con su presencia.
Saludos afectuosos,
Paris, France: September Roda with Okê Arô
A note from Paris:
We will organize a roda of our group in Paris on Sunday, September 26 at 3 pm and we just need some fruits to eat after the roda!
Everybody is welcome!
Place: Gymnase de la cour des lions
9 rue Alphonse Baudin
75011 Paris
Subway ; Line 5 Richard-Lenoir
Sunday, September 26
From 3 - 6 pm
Bring some fruits.....
A lot of thanks
Contramestre Reny of Okê Arô
São Paulo, Brazil: Workshops with M Cobra Mansa
FICA - São Paulo
Capoeira Workshops
Mestre Cobra Mansa
September 11
2:30 – 5 pm
September 12
9:30 am - noon
1 – 4 pm
Centro Cultural Assunção
Av João Firmino, 900
Assunção – São Bernardo do Campo
2 days, R$40
single day, R$25
for more information, contact:
011 9849 2314, Womualy
011 9313 5644, Tabatta
fica_sp (arroba) hotmail (ponto) com
thanks to Womualy & Tabatta for the poster.
Manila, Philippines: Workshops with M Roxinho
Capoeira Angola Manila
the 1st Capoeira Angola Living Experience in Manila
Vamos Vadiar Angola
workshops featuring music & movements, Q&A discussions, and a Capoeira Angola roda
29 September & 1 October
7:30 – 10 pm
2 October
1 – 7 pm
3 October
10 am – 2 pm
with Mestre Roxinho
Escola de Capoeira Angola Mato Rasteiro (ECAMAR)
Arts in Taguig City Studio
At the corner of 26th & 7th Streets
Bonifacio Global City (across from NBC tent)
Pho 750/day, single day (either Wednesday, Friday, or Sunday)
Php 1000, Saturday (3 hour class + 3 hour roda)
Php 2000, Wednesday + Friday + Saturday (three days)
Pho 2200 for all 4 days
for more information, please go to Facebook group: Capoeira Angola in Manila
contact: +63 917 8152286
thanks to Phu for the poster
Nicaragua: Capoeira Angola Workshops & Rodas
Capoeira Angola Workshop Meeting
August 28 to Sept. 7
presented by
FICA-Nicaragua and the Brazilian Embassy
*All events are free (no cost!)
Invited guests: Zimba Treineus Ricardo, Manoel and Jorge, along with other 8 members, and FICA Treineus Gege and Marcio Abreu
Schedule of Workshops:
Saturday, August 28th -2pm
Sunday, August 29th- 2pm
Monday, August 30th -7pm
Tuesday, August 31th -7pm
Wednesday, September 1th -7pm.
Saturday, Aug. 28, 6 pm
Public Park across the Alianza Francesa
Sunday Sept. 5 -4:00pm
Granada, Central Plaza
Public Lecture:
Thursday Sept. 2, 6:20pm
Brazilian Cultural Center
Contact information:
David Diaz, ddiazddiaz(at) gmail (dot) com, cell phone (505) 8681-5780, Alfonso Gaitan, alfonso_gaitan (at) hotmail (dot) com, cellphone (505) 8998-6851
Cesena, Italy: III Capoeira Angola Encounter
The Associação de Capoeira Angola Dobrada
would like to invite all to the
III International Encounter of Capoeira Angola
Cesena, Italy
24-25-26 September 2010
Mestre Rogério
Mestre Índio
Contramestre Alcione
Treinel Toninha
Treinel Euler
Mestre Rogério - Grupo São Bento Pequeno
Contramestre Lagartixa - Grupo Capoeira Angola Mãe
Chuluca - Meninos de Angola
Victor - Meninos de Angola
For more info, check out our website.
Thanks to Chiara for the flyer and translations.
Salvador, Brazil: III Music Encounter
The Colecão Emília Biancardi
for the preservation of popular traditions
III Traditional and Contemporary Music of Capoeira Encounter
Corridos Children’s Festival
Integrating the “Eu, o Folclore” project and in tribute to the folklorist Hildegardes Vianna
August 28, 2010
Largo Pedro Arcanjo, Pelourinho
Salvador, Bahia, Brazil
Information and registration:
(71)3266-6092/ 8847-0925/ 8732-2476
Olinda, PE, Brazil: Workshops with M Rogério Lourenço
The Grupo São Bento Pequeno de Capoeira Angola
would like to invite you to
“Quem Nunca Viu, Venha Ver”
Workshop de Capoeira Angola with Mestre Rogério Lourenço
(Grupo São Bento Pequeno - Olinda/Rome)
Friday, August 27 – Sunday, August 29
Olinda (PE) Brasil
Friday: Opening roda at 6 pm at the Mercado Eufrasio Barbosa (Varadouro - Olinda)
Saturday and Sunday: Capoeira Angola Classes and Rodas from 10.00 am at Bairro Santa Tereza (Olinda), Rua Duarte Coelho, 261
3 days: 30 Reais
1 day: 20 Reais
Professor Baixinho +558196967194
Thanks to Elisabetta for the poster and translation.
Seattle, USA: Register now for the FICA event
In just 4 weeks, we’ll be coming together for
FICA’S 16th International
Capoeira Angola Conference!
“Tudo que a boca come”
Nourishing our capoeira family.
Sept. 2 -5, 2010
Labor Day weekend
Seattle WA
The registrations are rolling in and we are getting ready!
Are you?
Vist our website to sign up!
Join Mestre Jurandir, Mestre Valmir, Mestre Cobra Mansa (he’s coming after all!), Mestre Índio, Contra Mestre Silvinho, and Treineu Andrea, plus a slew of students from Chicago, DC, Oakland, NY, Hawaii, and more.
We’ll have 4 days and 3 nights of:
Conference Schedule
Thursday, 9/2
6:00-7:30: registration/opening cerimony
7:30-9:30:opening roda
10:00 :bus leaves for Camp River Ranch
Friday, 9/3
7:00-8:30: breakfast
9:00-11:00: worshop
11:00-2:00: lunch/roda
2:00-3:00: break
3:00-5:00: workshop
5:00-6:00: guestteacher/afro-peruvian percussion workshop
6:00-7:00: lecture/panel discussion
7:00-8:30: dinner
8:30: roda
Saturday, 9/4
7:00-8:30: breakfast
9:00-11:00: worshop
11:00-2:00: lunch/roda
2:00-3:00: break
3:00-5:00: workshop
5:00-6:00: guest teacher/dance workshop
5:00-7:00: lecture/panel discussion
7:00-8:30: dinner
8:30: party with sambatuque
Sunday, 9/5
7:00-8:30: breakfast
9:00-11:00: workshop
11:00-1:00: lunch
1:30-3:00: closing roda
3:00: 1st bus start to leave for Seattle
5:00: last bus leaves for Seattle
About this year’s theme:
Capoeira Angola is everything the mouth eats. Pastinha's words advise the Capoeirista to grow from all that we touch, breath and encounter in this world. In talking with several of you over the past year, we feel a strong solidarity in the vision to raise awareness and consciousness, to build modern quilombos. We are proud that FICA members have a wide wealth of passions pertaining to sustainability, social justice, healing and ancestral guidance. At this year’s conference our intention is to explore how tudo que a boca come can guide us in all aspects of nourishment.
Some topics to ponder are: sustainability, the food revolution/ food justice, organic and urban farming, respectful human resources/labor, Quilombos and Communities, democratic living and sharing for unified success, understanding past and present, connecting with elders, children, and teachers, honoring ancestors, healing, movement and music therapy, nutrition, and traditional medicine.
This is an opportunity to challenge ourselves and each other, to become more aware and to deepen our understanding of all that we are “eating” in our lives.
Campinas, SP, Brazil: Capoeira Angola Encounter 2010
Grupo de Capoeira Semente do Jogo de Angola invites all admirers and lovers of Capoeira Angola, no matter which style you practice, to our event.
We look forward to the presence of Mestres Jogo de Dentro e Plínio, and others.
27 - 29 de agosto
R$60,00, complete event, feijoada & t-shirt
R50,00, early payment: complete event, feijoada & t-shirt
R$40,00, single day
R$10,00, feijoada
please note: a single day does not include the feijoada or t-shirt.
information for bank deposit:
banco bradesco
c/c: 352119-2
Valmir Santos Mauricio
contact: (19) 3012-3223 / 9122-0687
more information
Contra Mestre Valmir
São Paulo, Brazil: dance classes
Dança pé no chão
of the nkisses, caboclos, orixás & voduns
classes led by Tata Mutá Imê
Tata-de-Mkisi da Casa dos Olhos de Tempo
Nação Angolão Paquetan – Salvador, Bahia
For researchers, professional dancers, and anyone interested in strengthening their vital energy and working with their physical, mental and spiritual equilibrium through dance.
Tuesday, August 3
7:30 pm
cost: R$20,00
grupo nzinga de capoeira angola – São Paulo
Rua dos Cariris, #13, Pinheiros
London, UK: Workshops with M Roberval
From Capoeira Amazonas in London:
Mestre Roberval is back in town!
Mestre Roberval will be teaching classes in London throughout August. Widely recognised as one of the finest exponents of capoeira angola, Mestre Roberval will be teaching his music and movement lessons with his own special brand of class. Not to be missed!
Monday, August 2 - Wednesday, August 4: Hargrave Park School, Bredgar road, Archway 7.00pm - 9.00pm
Thursday 5th August: Capoeira Angola Nottingham. Contact Juliet at 07903 114248 for more information.
Check website for further updates to follow...
More information:
Rejane: 07984 537020
Rilene: 07984757689
Chris: 07952 817878
London, UK: workshop + memorial roda
From the Kabula Group newsletter:
This Saturday we are hosting Mestre Manuel at The Thanet Capoeira Cooperative in Chalk Farm.
what: Capoeira Angola Master Class
when: Saturday the 24th July
time: 1:30PM to 4:30pm
where: The Thanet Centre, Herbert Street, NW5 4HD
cost: £12 General Public – £10 Concession
July 21
This Wednesday, the 21st from 7 pm onwards we are celebrating the 6th Jean Charles de Menezes Homage Roda de Capoeira. All the UK Capoeira Community will be very welcome to join the Roda.
where: Just beside Stockwell Tube Station (in front of his memorial)
when: Wednesday, 7pm
Washington, DC, USA: Afro-Brazilian Panel Discussion
A panel discussion about the status and struggle of Afro-Brazilians for equality will be held at Sankofa cafe and bookstore, right around the corner from FICA-DC. Looks very informative.
A panel of black Brazilians leaders and activists discuss the status and struggle of Afro-Brazilians for equality.Enjoy. Thanks to Syvlia for the link.
They will discuss the work they are doing in Brazil with Afro-Brazilian communities and the resistance of Afro-Brazilians to racism, poverty, police homicides and other issues. The panel also will discuss potential alliances between Afro-Brazilians and African Americans.
The panel will include:
Ms. Luiza Bairros (Salvador da Bahia, Brazil)
A long-standing national leader of the black movement, Ms. Bairros has been active with the Unified Black Movement since the late 1970s eventually becoming the chair. She was also active in organizing black Brazilian participation in the 2001 UN World Conference Against Racism. She is currently the Secretary to Promote Racial and Gender Equality in the State of Bahia.
Dr. Sueli Carneiro (São Paulo, Brazil)
Dr. Carneiro is the director and founder of Geledes (Institute of Black Women), Brazil's leading black women's organization. Geledes has been a leader in fighting for women's rights, human rights, against police brutality and murder, and justice for workers. She also created the Rappers Project, promoting youth activism and leadership development through hip hop.
Elias de Oliveira Sampaio (Salvador, State of Bahia, Brazil)
An economist, Dr. Sampaio is President of the Data Processing Company of the
State of Bahia (PRODEB) and is also a licensed economist of the Ministry of Planning, Budget and Management. He has studied and been active around economic issues confronting Afro-Brazilians. He has also been consultant for the Brazilian government's International Development Department Program Against Institutional Racism.
Presented by: Levantamos and US Civil Society Committee of the US Brazil Joint Action Plan for the Elimination of Racism JAPER
Free and open to the public
Sankofa Video, Books & Cafe
2714 Georgia Ave NW
Washington, DC 20001
Near Howard University/Shaw Metro Station
Blame it in on the Canjiquinha Quente
What does a capoeira mestre have to do with Carmen Miranda? Read this passage about Mestre Canjiquinha from the book “Capoiera Angola - Ensaio Sócio Etnografico” by Waldeloir Rego to find out:
Canjiquinha (Washington Bruno da Silva) was born in Salvador on September 25, 1925. He was a student of the famous capoeista Raimundo Aberrê, from Santo Amaro de Purificação.Careful with the songs that get stuck in your head! You may just end up with a new capoeira knickname.
In regards to his knickname, he explains that is was given to him by his friend named Dálton Barros, in 1938 because of a samba-batuque called Canjiquniha quente, written by Roberto Martins, sung by Carmen Miranda with the band
Conjunto Regional de Benedtio Larcerda, and recorded by Odeon in 1937… and this was the only thing that he knew how to sing, which he would do constantly. And for this his friend took the initiative to give him this knickname.
Canjiquniha is young and agile, he is a talented singer and musician. He sings like few others and with a vast repertoire and even has a great facility for improvising, and of all, it is he who has most contributed to the adaptation of other types of songs into the folklore of capoeira. Many of the songs mentioned in this book were collected from Canjiquinha.
Of all the Bahian capoeiristas, he was the most invited to participate in exhibitions, trips around Brazil, and he even acted in the movies, in both short and feature length films… As a mestre de capoeira, he worked on the feature films: “Os Bandeirantes”, “Barravento”, “O Pagador de Promessas”, “Senhor dos Navegantes”, “Samba”, and many short films.
João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brazil: 6 Hour Roda!
Grupo Berimbau Viola
invites everyone to participate in
the 4th annual 6-hour roda
at the Festa das Neves
July 31
3:30 – 9:30 pm
João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brazil
We look forward to seeing you!
Never-Before-Seen Photos of Capoeira & Brazil!
Elina, who has trained with FICA-Chicago and FICA-Bahia and is currently completing her PhD thesis on candomblé, sent out this link. Enjoy these great images:
Dear friends,
The Helinä Rautavaara Ethnographic museum in Finland has uploaded a large part of its collection of photographs on Candomblé, Capoeira and Afro-Brazilian culture in general from the 1960s and 1970s on the online portal of the Finnish National Board of Antiquities for public access.
Having received the link to the digital archive through Katri Hirvonen-Nurmi of the Helinä Rautavaara museum, where I used to work as well, I wanted to share it with with you.
The photos digitalized so far consist of black and white photographs taken by Helinä Rautavaara over her trips to Brazil in the 1960s and 1970s.
Primarily taken in Salvador, São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro in connection to her PhD research on Candomblé, the photo archive contains some real gems. I imagine that as the museum continues with the digitalization of its archives, more materials will be added to the portal.
Click here to access the archives.
I am also happy to pass on any questions or comments to her.
Very best wishes,
The best way to search is to use free search field (On the top left corner). You can use boolean searches and cut the search word with an asterisk * (try: capoe*).
Thanks, Elina! These images are really amazing.
São Paulo, Brazil: 15 Years of Nzinga
July 30 – August 1, 2010
15 years
tradition with resistance
Mestres Janja, Paulinha, Poloca, Jaime de Mar Grande, Plínio, Valmir, Tata Mutá and Tião Carvalho
Workshops, rodas e discussions
R$70, entire event
R$30, per day
Registration and schedule of events:
8937–3396, 9399-3963
Rua dos Cariris, 13B
Pinheiros - São Paulo - Brazil
Philadelphia, USA: Workshop & Roda
A note from Philadelphia, USA:
We hope this email finds you all well and enjoying the summer! We're pleased to invite everyone to two great events this week:
1) Aloan Damasceno from Salvador, Bahia will be visiting Philadelphia this Friday and Saturday! Come out and enjoy a dynamic Capoeira Angola workshop with one of Salvador’s brightest young Angoleiros.
Where: Martin Luther King Center
22nd & Cecil B Moore Ave.
When: Friday July 9, 2010
6:30-8:30 p.m.
Fee: $15
2) FICA Philadelphia July Roda
Where: Martin Luther King Center
22nd & Cecil B Moore Ave.
When: Saturday July 10, 1 - 4p.m.
Free Event!
We hope to see you soon!
Peace & Blessings,
FICA Philadelphia
Dois de Julho: Heroes of Bahian Independence
Dois de Julho (July 2nd) is a big holiday in the city of Salvador de Bahia, Brazil. The center of the city shuts down to make room for a parade celebrating the Caboclo, street parties, and capoeira rodas. On this day in 1823, Brazilian troops definitively expelled Portuguese troops from the country.
The Bahian newspaper, O Correio, published a special edition to celebrate this special day. The edition included a section on the heroes of the battles for independence. Today, streets and neighborhood squares across the city are named after these baianos in honor of their patriotism.
Nobody defeats us: A symbol of the Brazilian people. The caboclo raises the country’s flag and combines all the cultures that make up the nation. He is a mix of the major ethnicities: blacks, whites and Indians, together in a single representation. It was the Caboclo who led and inspired the Bahians in the struggle to liberate their country: tyrants do not have Brazilian hearts!
Maria Felipa
Warrior lioness: Maria Felipa was a capoeirista and led a squadron of forty women on the Island of Itaparica. One of the leading soliders, she set fire to 42 Portuguese ships with her friends. A fearsome woman, she beat captured enemy soldiers. .
Maria Quitéria
A worthy woman: She dressed as a soldier so that she could go into battle. She fought at the Battle of the Parakeets on the Island of Maré, Pituba and Itapuã. In the battle at Pituba, she was one of the best on the battlefield: she attacked trenches and escorted prisoners to the camp.
Antonio Rebouças
Black leader: Antonio Pereira was an abolitionist. A warrior against racism. His favorite saying came to be on battlefield: “anyone brown or black can be a general”. In fact, commanding the battles were many afro-descendents, sertenejos, and even indigenous people.
Encourado de Pedrão
The claws of the sertão: Pedrão is a small city, located near Feira de Santana, that all Brazilians should visit. The warriors dressed in leather came from Pedrão, and are represented in the parade in Salvador every year in this traditional garb.
Corneterio Lopes
Vuvuzela of victory: In the Battle of Pirajá, the Brazilian troops were under pressure. In the kill-or-be-killed battle, the Commander Barros Falção ordered a retreat, but the coronet player Luís Lopes played the signal to advance and kill. It worked: we won!
Other heroes included in the commemoration are Joana Angélica, Lord Cochrane, João de Botas and many more.
Parabéns, Bahia!
Bahia, Brazil: 2010 Acanne Event
This is the second edition of a great event, that integrates capoeiristas from different parts of the world to live and share together for 15 days, participating in workshops, lectures, and visits, to discover the essence of Capoeira Angola of Salvador da Bahia, Brazil.
This year, we will also visit the city of Santo Amaro, land of the great capoeirista, Besouro Mangangá.
This is another opportunity for you to experience Capoeira Angola in Salvador, to go to rodas of the great Mestres, to visit local historic sites relevant to capoeira, and to appreciate the beauty of the city, with a group of people of “alto astral” quality.
** Event dates have been changed to July 18 - August 2.
You can check out their website for more information, including the schedule of events (in Portuguese).
Or contact the event organizers:
mestrerene (at) yahoo (dot) com (dot) br
acannezion (at) hotmail (dot) com
africanamente.poa (at) hotmail (dot) com
Sydney, Austraila: 4th Encounter in November
4th Capoeira Angola Encounter
November 17 - 21
Sydney, Austraila
Invited Guests: Mestre Roxinho, Mestre Augusto Januario and Mestre Jogo de Dentro
Mestre Roxinho and ECAMAR Australia invite you to join us for the 4th
International Encounter of Capoeira Angola in Sydney, Australia with invited
Mestres Augusto Januario and Jogo de Dentro from the 17th - 21st November
The 4th Capoeira Angola International Encounter is a 5 day event that will take
place at the ECAMAR school in Surry Hills, Sydney and at Shoalhaven Outdoor
Conference Centre. The conference centre is a 2 hour drive from the city and is
surrounded by natural bushland and river flats.
We are pleased to confirm the presence of Mestre Augusto Januario, who has
participated in the ECAMAR International Encounter for the last two years and brings
40 years of experience in Capoeira Angola and Mestre Jogo de Dentro who has
travelled extensively around the world as an invited Mestre sharing his wealth of
knowledge of Capoeira Angola. This will be Mestre Jogo de Dentro's first visit to our shores.
The combination of lush natural surroundings, passing time together and lessons in
this beautiful Brazilian art-form will make for an unmissable experience.
The early bird price is due to expire on 5th August:
5 days + T-shirt + Food + Accommodation
Members = $450
Non-Members = $480
5:30 pm Registrations
6.00 pm Aboriginal Welcome to the Country
6.30-8:00 pm Workshop with Mestre Jogo de Dentro
8: 30 pm Welcome Roda
6.00-8:00 pm Workshop with Mestre Augusto
8.30- 9:30 pm Music class with Mestre Jogo de Dentro
Roda uma Volta só
9:30 am Depart to Shoalhaven
12:30 pm Lunch and meeting
15:00-18:00 pm Movement Class
with Mestre Jogo de Dentro
18:30 -20:00 pm Music Class Mestre Augusto
20:30 pm Dinner
21:30 pm Roda
8:00-9:00 am Breakfast
9:30-11:30 am Workshop with Mestre Jogo de Dentro
11:30 am Toques and Rhythms class with Mestre Augusto
12:30 pm Lunch Break
14:00-15:00 pm Music class Mestre Jogo de Dentro
15:30-17: 30 pm Workshop with Mestre Augusto
17:30-21:00 pm Capoeira Angola Roda in honour of
Mestre Pastinha & Zumbi dos Palmares
8:00-9:00 am Breakfast
9:30-11:30 am Workshop with Mestre Jogo de Dentro
11:30-13:00 pm Singing and Rhythms Class with Mestre Augusto
13:00 pm Roda Adeus Adeus
15:00 pm Cleaning the venue and Departure
Some of the workshops will be run simultaneously and everyone will be given a
chance to do each workshop.
You can pay in person or transfer your money in the following account:
Commonwealth Bank, BSB 062033, Account 10367932
Name: Capoeira Angola ECAMAR
Please put on your name to confirm your transfer
Thanks to Megan for the flyer and information.
Paris, France: Roda de Fruta
The Associação Okê Arô
invites you to the
Roda de Fruta
Sunday, June 27, 2010
3 - 5:30 pm
Contramestre Reny
Gymnase de la cour des lions
9 rue Alphonse Baudin
75011 Paris
Subway: Line 5 Richard-Lenoir
Open roda! Everyone is welcome!
(please bring some fruit)
Build your Own Archive: The "Velha Guarda" According to Rego
“Capoiera Angola - Ensaio Sócio Etnografico” written by Brazilian ethnologist Waldeloir Rego and published in 1968 is one of the seminal studies regarding the art form and one of the most important documents that exists today about capoeira.
The book is packed with a lot of information about capoeira, including the history of capoeira, the origin of the word and basics about the instruments played, but perhaps most interesting to us capoeiristas is the long compilation of songs and the following discussion about the capoeiristas mentioned in each song, from the chapter “Famous Capoeiras and their Behaviour in the Social Community".
We've already published his writings about Mestre Joao Grande. Here is what Rego had to say about some other capoeiras of the time:
Pedro Mineiro was well-known among the capoeiristas… Also making a name in Bahia were Chico da Barra, Ajé, Chico Cazumbá, Ricardo das Docas, Antônio Maré, Zé Bom Pé, Vitorino Braço Torto, Raimundo Cachoeira, Zacaria Grande, Nôzinho, Bilusca, Piroca Peixoto, Zé do Saco, Samual da Calçada, Sete Mortes, Aberrê, Patu das Pedreiras, Hilário Chapeleiro, Cassiano Balão, Bigode de Sêda, Doze Homens, Tiburcinho de Jaguaripe, Zeca Cidade de Palha, Nô da Emprêsa de Carruagem, Pacífico do Rio Vermelho, Bichiguinha, Chico Me Dá, Edgar Chicharro, Inimigo Sem Tripa, Giote, Neco Canário Pardo, Bôca de Porco, Dendê, Gazolina, Espinho, Dadá e Siri de Mangue.How did the people in your group get their knicknames? Hopefully in a less dramatic and painful way than Chico Três Pedaços.
Pedro Porreta became a synonymous with disorder and bullying. When I was a young boy, I heard many older people speak of this capoeira and when a child was difficult and liked to beat up the other children, they would reprimand him by asking whether he was Pedro Porreta.
Canjiquinha (Wasington Bruno da Silva) told me that Chico Três was an enemy of another capoeirista called Matatu. One day, he set a trap for his enemy. He hid around the corner of Rua do Engenho Velho, right at the entrance for those who were going to Boa Vista mansion, today known as the São João de Deus asylum, and when Matatu approached, distracted, he stabbed him in the chest, put the knife hit his clavicle, breaking it into three pieces. Matuto escaped death and the other became known as Chico Três Pedaços.
Najé was another famous capoeirista from Coqueiro de Paraguaçu, but because he liked to go the city of Najé, this became his knickname. He was also close with people who practiced candomblé, so much so that when they saw him they used to joke, singing:
Najé, Najé
Ogun Já orô!
This song relates to Ogun Já, an aspect of Ogun whose principle characteristic is the sacrifice of dogs, a rare practice, whose processes and songs differ from the rest, although here I do not have the space to go into further detail.
This book is actually out-of-print and very difficult to find. There are some downloadable versions out there. If you do come across a hardcover copy, protect it with all your pieces, as it is an important part of our heritage.
We'll present more about the "velha guarda" of capoeira from this great book in the future.
Warsaw, Poland: Workshops with M Poloca
Afro-brazilian workshops of Capoeira Angola
with Mestre Poloca
23-27 June 2010
Movement, rhythm, music, energy, self-development, game. Straight from Salvador. We invite angoleiros, those who train capoeira regional, and also those who would like to try out a capoeira angola adventure, for a capoeira angola workshop in Warsaw.
23.06 Wednesday
19:00 opening roda
24.06 Thursday
18:00 - 19:00 music training
19:00 - 20:30 movement training - free entrance for everyone
20:30 roda
25.06 Friday
18:00 - 19:00 music training
19:00 - 20:30 movement training
20:30 Brazilian film show
26.06 Saturday
10:00 - 12:30 movement training
12:30 - 13:30 music training
lunch break
15:00 - 17:30 movement training
18:30 afrobrazilian street parade and open capoeira angola roda with
warsaw capoeira schools
starting from: Wilenski square at Warszawa Wilenska Railway, ending: Praski park
21:00 party
27.06 Sunday
10:00 - 12:30 movement training
12:30 - 13:30 music training
lunch break
15:00 - 17:30 movement training
18:00 farewell roda
All the workshops will take place in Praga Północ district.
cost: 50 euro for participation in all the events, we provide accommodation for non-locals (please inform us in advance if needed) places limited, to guarantee one, please pay a prepayment to: Agata Hummel, nr: 12124010531111000005110599 (PEKAO S.A.), ul. Cisowa 4, Granica, 05-806 Komorów
This project is organized by Capoeira Angola Varsóvia group and is co-financed by Praga Północ District of Warsaw.
Further information:
warsztaty (at) capoeiraangola (dot) pl
+48 608 506 878
Thanks to Agnieszka for the information and flyer.
Philadelphia, USA: Annual Odunde Roda
A note from Philadelphia, USA:
Event: Sunday, June 13
Greetings everyone,
This is a quick invitation to come out and enjoy our annual Capoeira Angola Roda (roda de branco) at the Odunde African Street Festival. The roda will start at 3 p.m. on the corner of 23rd and Grays Ferry Avenue.
ODUNDE, has gained a reputation as one of Philadelphia's brightest cultural jewels. The word ODUNDE originates with the Yoruba people of Nigeria, West Africa. It means "Happy New Year". The ODUNDE festival is an occasion marked by joy and hope, a joy which is highlighted by a colorful procession to the Schuylkill River (at noon) where offerings of fruits and flowers are made to Oshun, the Goddess of the River.
Thanks to T Kamau for the information.
Maranhão, Brazil: 2nd Encounter
II Capoeira Angola Encounter of Barra do Corda
Maranhão, Brazil
E o caxixi...? ...A gente faz!
E a Capoeira... ? ...Dança guerreira da paz!
June 11 - 13
Guests: Mestre Patinho, Professor Cabeludo
Space is limited.
To register, contact Professor Irapuru – (99) 9643-9989 or (99) 8145-2852; e-mail angoleirosdabarra (at) hotmail (dot) com
Seattle, USA: XVI International Encounter
XVI (that is, 16th) Annual International Conference
International Capoeira Angola Foundation
September 2 – 5, 2010
Seattle, WA
Nourishing our Capoeira Family
Capoeira Angola e manha, e malicia, e tudo que a boca come. - Pastinha
presented by:
Contra Mestre Silvinho with FICA Seattle and Portland.
with the presence of:
Mestre Jurandir
Mestre Valmir
Mestre Índio
Treinel Andrea from Oakland
Aloan from FICA BAHIA.
In case you haven’t heard, Mestre Cobra Mansa is going to be in Africa researching the roots of Capoeira Angola, so he will not be able to join us at this year's conference. Congratulations Mestre; we wish you well.
Camp River Ranch, Carnation, WA (near Seattle)
We are thrilled to host old and new friends in this lush, old growth forest outside of Seattle. The serene summer camp facility is the perfect setting for deepening our connections to nature, ancestors, others and self. We’ll be overlooking a lake, building bonfires at night, enjoying hot showers and breathing fresh mountain air.
Thursday, 9/2
Opening Roda
FICA Seattle studio
954 E. Union St. Seattle, Wa 98122
9pm Bus to Camp River Ranch
Friday - Sunday, 9/3- 9/5
All Day Workshops, rodas, meals and more!
Sunday, 9/5
3pm, Closing Roda
6pm, Bus to Seattle, arrive at 7pm.
The SeaTac airport is 60 minutes from Seattle by bus and 30 minutes by car.
Nourishing our Capoeira Family
Capoeira Angola é manha, é malicia, é tudo que a boca come.
- Pastinha
Capoeira Angola is everything the mouth eats. Pastinha's words advise the Capoeirista to grow from all that we touch, breath and encounter in this world. In talking with several of you over the past year, we feel a strong solidarity in the vision to raise awareness and consciousness, to build modern quilombos. We are proud that FICA members have a wide wealth of passions pertaining to sustainability, social justice, healing and ancestral guidance. At this year’s conference our intention is to explore how tudo que a boca come can guide us in all aspects of nourishment.
Some topics to ponder are: sustainability, the food revolution/ food justice, organic and urban farming, respectful human resources/labor, Quilombos and Communities, democratic living and sharing for unified success, understanding past and present, connecting with elders, children, and teachers, honoring ancestors, healing, movement and music therapy, nutrition, and traditional medicine.
This is an opportunity to challenge ourselves and each other, to become more awake and to deepen our understanding of what we are “eating”.
Call for Art…
Many of you are talented artists. We invite you to submit an original design, drawing, or other work to represent this year’s conference theme on t-shirts, flyers, and posters.
Deadline: June 30
We encourage EVERYONE to express your inspirations through art.
*Registration will be granted if your work is chosen!
Send submissions to:
silvioaleixo (at) hotmail (dot) com
or by mail to
FICA Seattle PO Box 28547, Seattle WA 98118
Conference Price:
Because the financial success of this conference depends on good organization, we are offering a discount to those who register early.
Before August 1st $ 150
After August 1st $175
The cost of registration covers:
3 Nights Lodging
Bus transportation to and from Camp River Ranch / Seattle -Thursday and Sunday
3 Meals per day, mostly local and organic
All Workshops, Rodas, and Conference Events
Smiles, songs, and scenery…
Click to download the *2010 Encounter Registration Form* pdf.
You can fill it out electronically and email it back to ficapdx (at) gmail (dot) com, or print it and mail it (along with a check) to: FICA Portland Study Group 707 NE Broadway #203, Portland, OR, 97232.
A button to pay on-line via *PayPal* is coming soon.
Visit our website for further details
Thanks to Criss for the information.
Marburg, Germany: Workshops with M Poloca
Workshop with Mestre Poloca
Europe 2010
Grupo Nzinga - Marburg
July 2 - 4
in Marburg, Germany
Check out the Video-Flyer here.
18:00 at Schwanhof
Schwanalle 27 – Tanzschule
Near Train Station (Marburg Süd)
Saturday and Sunday
Starting at 10:00
Neue Kasseler Straße 7 – Ballett Schule “Step in”
Near Train Station (Marburg Hauptbahnhof)
3 days with accommodation
more information
or email: nzinga (dot) marburg (at) gmail (dot)
Many thanks to Pedro for the video flyer and information
Berlin, Germany: Workshops with M Roberval

Mestre Roberval
Grupo Menino Quem Foi Seu Mestre, Salvador
May 28 – 29
Academia Jangada
Friday, May 28
5 – 8:30 pm
Music & Roda
Saturday, May 29
2 – 4 pm, Training
5 pm, Open Roda with M Roberval
Single days: 20 € (15 € for students of the Academia Jangada or Filhos de Angola)
Both days: 35 € (30 € for student of the Academia Jangada or Filhos de Angola)
Roda only: 10 €
Jangada TEAM
Capoeira Angola Workshop
Mestre Roberval, Grupo Menino Quem Foi Seu Mestre, Salvador
28.05.- 29.05.2010
in der Academia Jangada
Freitag, 28.05., 17 - 20:30 Uhr: Musik und Roda
Samstag, 29.05., 14 - 16 Uhr: Training Capoeira Angola und
17 Uhr: Abschiedsroda für Mestre Roberval
Einzelne Tage: 20 € (15 € für Schüler der Academia Jangada oder Filhos de Angola)
Komplett: 35 € (30 € für Schüler der Academia Jangada oder Filhos de Angola)
Nur Roda: 10 €
Wir würden uns über zahlreiche Teilnahme sehr freuen!
Euer Jangada TEAM
The Amazon, Brazil: Workshops with M João Grande

November 13 – 20, 2010
on the Rio Tapajós in Alter do Chão, Santarém, Pará, Brazil
on board the Paranatinga
Individuals must buy their own tickets. Insurance is mandatory. The boat has its own insurance that will cover passengers during the trip.
Make sure you have the necessary passport and visa requirements. Make sure your vaccinations are up to date, and bring a register of your vaccinations.
for 8 days of activities, including capoeira workshops, food, and stay on the ship (a hammock)
A non-refundable payment of 300,00€ must be made to the account of:
association TUCANDEIRA
7 route du Val
bank: Caisse d'Epargne Bourgogne FC Dijon
account number: 12135 00300 08801003491 17
IBAN: FR76 1213 5003 0008 8010 0349 117
The rest may be paid upon arrival.
Limited space is available.
tucandeira (at) andira (dot) org
angolacenteritalia (at) gmail (dot) com
+39 338 1324726
«A capoeira é tudo que a boca come.»
Mestre Pastinha (1898–1981)
abbiamo il piacere di accogliervi in Amazzonia dal 13.11.2010 al 20.11.2010
13.11.2010 Arrivo a Santarem-Pará, Brasile.
h 14 - Accoglienza a bordo del battello Parantinga, presentazione del Mestre João Grande, degli ospiti, dei partecipanti e dell’equipaggio.
Passando all’ora del tramonto dove si incontrano le acque dei fiumi Tapajós e Amazonia prepareremo un cocktail di benvenuto navigando sul fiume Tapajós da Santarém a Alter do Chão. Cena e pernottamento a bordo (in amaca o tenda).
h 7 - Nutrimento mattutino con frutta e radici tipiche dell’Amazzonia e specialità locali.
Il benessere attraverso l’alimentazione biologica. Lezione di Pajé sulla celebre frase di Mestre Pastinha «A Capoeira è tudo que a boca come».
h 9 - Roda di apertura.
h 12 - Pranzo – Cucina tipica con legumi e pesci dell’Amazzonia (specialità locali vegetariane e non vegetariane durante tutto l’incontro).
h 14 - Bagno nelle spiagge del fiume Tapajós o del Lago Verde e passeggiata ecologica sul monte Pira-oca con vista panoramica a 360° della regione.
h 19 - Cena – Açai con farina di Tapioca o farina di Manioca. Presentazione della danza tipica Carimbó.
h 7 - Nutrimento mattutino con frutta e specialità locali.
h 9 - Allenamento di capoeira.
h 12 - Pranzo – Piracaia (pesce arrostito in foglie di banano).
h 14 - Bagno nelle spiagge di Mureta e Cururu.
h 16 - Roda di capoeira in spiaggia.
h 19 - Cena – Mungica di gamberoni con tortino di Piracui
Carimbó, Forró, Samba…
h 7 - Nutrimento mattutino con frutta e specialità locali.
h 9 - Allenamento di capoeira.
h 12 - Pranzo – Calderada di Surubim
h 14 - Escursione nella comunità Aramanai sul fiume Tapajós.
Roda di capoeira nella comunità e bagno in spiaggia.
h 19 - Cena – Pirarucu arrosto nella brace con legumi.
Degustazione di Taruba (bibita tipica ottenuta dalla manioca). Danze.
h 7 - Nutrimento mattutino attraversando il fiume Tapajós in direzione della comunità di Solimões e Maripá.
h 9 - Allenamento di capoeira nella comunità.
h 12 - Pranzo – Calderada di tambaqui
h 14 - Allenamento di capoeira e roda
h 19 - Cena – Pollo caipira in Tucupi Danze.
h 7 - Nutrimento mattutino tradizionale.
h 9 - Escursione nella foresta amazzonica per approfondire le nostre conoscenze su fauna e flora.
h 12 - Pranzo – Pirão di açai con gamberoni e pesce arrosto, navigando sul fiume Arapiunus in direzione della comunità di Aminã.
h 14 - Laboratori – fabbricazione di Caxixi, Agogo, Reco-reco, …
h 19 - Cena – Caruru.
Roda di capoeira con la comunità Aminã.
h 7 - Nutrimento mattutino tradizionale
h 9 - Allenamento di capoeira nella comunità Aminã
h 12 - Pranzo – Calderada di Tucunaré
h 14 - Allenamento e roda di capoeira con gli abitanti della comunità.
h 19 - Cena a bordo del Paranatinga – pollo stufato.
Attività, lezioni e proiezioni spostandoci verso la comunità Caranazal.
h 7 - Nutrimento mattutino tradizionale.
h 9 - Allenamento di capoeira nelle capanne di Caranazal.
h 12 - Pranzo – Pirarucu arrosto, fritto e in tegame.
h 14 - Visita alla ecoazienda del progetto Agroecologia dell’Amazzonia (A.E.A.).
h 16 - Capoeira nelle capanne. Roda di chiusura.
h 20 - Cena – Tacacá e Vatapá.
Festa di chiusura.
Modalità d’iscrizione:
L’acquisto dei biglietti aerei va effettuata individualmente o tramite i gruppi che si organizzano per l’incontro.
L’assicurazione personale è obbligatoria.
L’assicurazione del battello copre i passeggeri durante il tragitto.
Munirsi di passaporto, tessera sanitaria e certificato di vaccini con validità in corso.
Costo totale dell’incontro: 650,00 euro per 8 giorni di attività come da programma, workshop di capoeira angola, spostamenti, vitto e alloggio sul battello Paranatinga (in amaca o tenda).
Acconto al momento dell’iscrizione di 300,00 euro intestato a:
association TUCANDEIRA
7 route de Val
Banca: Caisse d'Epargne Bourgogne FC Dijon
Conto: 12135 00300 08801003491 17
IBAN: FR76 1213 5003 0008 8010 0349 117
Il pagamento sarà saldato al momento dell’arrivo.
L’iscrizione deve essere fatta con 2 mesi di anticipo tramite il versamento dell’acconto.
Il pagamento dell’acconto non sarà rimborsato in caso di rinuncia.
I posti sono limitati.
tucandeira (arroba) andira.org
angolacenteritalia (arroba) gmail.com
+39 338 1324726
«A capoeira é tudo que a boca come.»
Mestre Pastinha (1898–1981)
sont heureux de vous accueillir en Amazonie du 13.11.2010 au 20.11.2010
13.11.2010 Arrivée à Santarém-Pará Brésil.
14h Réception sur le bateau Paranatinga, présentation du
Mestre João Grande, des invités, des participants et du personnel de bord.
Visite de la rencontre des eaux des fleuves Amazone et
Tapajós au coucher du soleil avec la fête de Bienvenue en navigant de Santarém à Alter do Chão sur le fleuve Tapajós. Á bord du Paranatinga, diner et couchage en hamac ou tente.
7h - Petit-déjeuner traditionnel, dégustation de fruits et racines d'Amazonie.
Le bien être à travers une alimentation saine conférence de Pajé autour de la célèbre citation de Mestre Pastinha
«A capoeira é tudo que a boca come».
9h - Roda d'ouverture.
12h - Déjeuner avec dégustation de légumes et poissons
d'Amazonie (spécialités locales végétariennes et non
végétariennes durant tout le séjour).
14h - Baignade sur les plages du Tapajós ou du Lago Verde et randonnée écologique sur le mont Pira-Oca où vous profiterez d'une vision de 360° de la région.
19h - Dîner – Açaï avec flocons de Tapioca ou semoule de
Présentation de la danse typique Carimbó.
7h - Petit-déjeuner traditionnel avec fruits et spécialités
9h - Cours de Capoeira.
12h - Déjeuner – Piracaïa (poisson grillé dans des feuilles de bananier).
14h - Baignade sur les plages de Mureta et Cururu.
16h - Roda de Capoeira sur la plage.
19h - Dîner - Mungica de Camarão com bolinho de Piracuí. (soupe de crevettes et beignets de poisson).
Carimbó et autres danses typiques Forró, Samba...
7h - Petit déjeuner traditionnel.
9h - Cours de Capoeira.
12h - Déjeuner – Calderada de Surubim (poisson en casserole)
14h - Visite à la communauté de Aramanaï au bord du fleuve Tapajós.
Roda et baignade.
19h - Dîner – Pirarucú grillé avec légumes.
Dégustation de Tarubá (boisson typique faite de manioc)
Danses typiques.
7h - Petit déjeuner en traversant le fleuve Tapajós, pour visiter la communauté de Solimões et Maripá.
9h - Cours de Capoeira dans une des communautés.
12h - Déjeuner – Calderada de Tambaqui
14h - Entrainement de Capoeira et Roda.
19h - Dîner - Galinha Caipira no Tucupí (poulet fermier cuit au jus de manioc).
Danses typiques.
7h - Petit déjeuner traditionnel.
9h - Randonnée en forêt amazonienne à la découverte de la faune et de la flore.
12h - Déjeuner à bord du Paranatinga – Pirão de Açaï com camarão et peixe assado (açaï avec crevettes et poisson frit). En navigant sur le fleuve Arapiuns vers la communauté de Aminã.
14h - Ateliers - fabrication de Caxixí, Agogó, Reco-reco,...
19h - Dîner- Caruru (plat typique)
Roda avec la communauté de Aminã
7h - Petit déjeuner traditionnel.
9h - Cours de Capoeira dans la communauté de Aminã.
12h - Déjeuner – Calderada de Tucunaré.
14h - Entrainement et roda de Capoeira avec les habitants de la communauté.
19h - Dîner à bord du Paranatinga – poulet fermier à l'étouffée avec légumes.
Activités, projections et discutions en navigant vers la communauté de Caranazal.
7h - Petit déjeuner traditionnel.
9h - Cours de Capoeira sous les malocas au Caranazal.
12h - Déjeuner – Pirarucu (poisson) grillé, frit et à l'étouffée.
14h - Visite de l'écoindustrie du projet agroécologie amazonienne (A.E.A.).
16h - Capoeira sous la Maloca (maison en paille)
Roda de clôture.
20h - Dîner - Tacacá et Vatapá do Pará.
Fête de départ.
Modalité d'inscription:
L'achat des billets se fait individuellement, ou par l'assoc.
organisant le voyage.
Une assurance personnelle est obligatoire.
Le bateau possède une assurance qui couvre les
passagers pour le trajet.
Prévoir passeport et carnet de santé à jour.
Coût total du séjour: 650,00€ pour 8 jours, comprenant
toutes les activités du programme, le stage de capoeira
angola, les déplacements, les petits déjeuners,
déjeuners, dîners et le logement dans le bateau
Paranatinga (en hamac ou tente).
Un acompte de 300,00€ doit être effectué avec votre
inscription par chèque ou virement à
association TUCANDEIRA
7 route du Val
banque: Caisse d'Epargne Bourgogne FC Dijon
compte n° 12135 00300 08801003491 17
IBAN: FR76 1213 5003 0008 8010 0349 117
Le reste de la somme sera payé sur place en Amazonie.
L’inscription doit impérativement nous parvenir 2 mois
avant le départ avec le règlement d'acompte.
L'acompte n’est pas remboursable en cas de désistement.
Les places disponibles sont limitées.
tucandeira () andira.org
angolacenteritalia () gmail.com
+39 338 1324726
«A capoeira é tudo que a boca come.»
Mestre Pastinha (1898–1981)
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