
Curitiba, Brazil: 10 Years of ACAD!

Associação de Capoeira Angola Dobrada

Invites all to participate in
the celebration of 10 years of

ACAD Curitiba
November 11 – 15, 2010

Mestre Rogério - ACAD Germany
Mestre Índio - ACAD Italy
Contra-mestre Negão - ACAD Curitiba
Contra-mestre Alexandre -ACAD
Treinel Iran - ACAD BH

Invited Guests: Mestre Peixe -Cosmos RJ & Mestre Manoel - Ypiranga de Pastinha RJ

Location: ACAD Curitiba home, Rua Presidente Faria, 372, sobreloja, Centro

Cost: R$ 60,00
Single day R$ 25,00

contacts: (41) 9626-0713/ 8480-0201/ 3328-8969;
contramestrenegao (at) yahoo (dot) com (dot) br

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