
Bahia, Brazil: 2010 Acanne Event


This is the second edition of a great event, that integrates capoeiristas from different parts of the world to live and share together for 15 days, participating in workshops, lectures, and visits, to discover the essence of Capoeira Angola of Salvador da Bahia, Brazil.

This year, we will also visit the city of Santo Amaro, land of the great capoeirista, Besouro Mangangá.

This is another opportunity for you to experience Capoeira Angola in Salvador, to go to rodas of the great Mestres, to visit local historic sites relevant to capoeira, and to appreciate the beauty of the city, with a group of people of “alto astral” quality.

** Event dates have been changed to July 18 - August 2.

You can check out their website for more information, including the schedule of events (in Portuguese).

Or contact the event organizers:
mestrerene (at) yahoo (dot) com (dot) br
acannezion (at) hotmail (dot) com
africanamente.poa (at) hotmail (dot) com

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