
London, UK: Workshops with M Boca do Rio

Mestre Boca do Rio, Grupo de Capoeira Angola Zimba, will give classes on Monday 8 and Wednesday 10 of February, 7.30-9.30 @ The Claremont Project, 24 White Lion St, London N1, Angel.

With over 25 years of experience, Mestre Boca do Rio is one of the key references in Capoeira Angola and the founder of the Grupo de Capoeira Angola Zimba (Salvador, Brazil - Santiago, Spain). A true guardian of the tradition, he is renowned for his dedication to the preservation and promotion of Capoeira Angola around the world.

Don’t miss the chance to train with him!!

He will also give classes over a two-week period in other groups in London.

For more information, contact: capoeiralondon (at) hotmail (dot) co (com) uk

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