
Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil: Women's Encounter

A note about an upcoming event in São Paulo:

The students of the Escola de Capoeira Angola Resistência invite everyone to participate in our Women’s Encounter, to be held March 5 - 6, 2010.

The Women’s Encounter will promote the spread of capoeira through women’s eyes; the history will be told through women’s voices.

Beond Capoeira Angola, whose preservation is the main objective of the school, we have included women from other aspects of popular culture to participate and enrich this experience.

Schedule of Events
March 5
6 pm, "Roda de Gueto"

March 6
10:30 – 11:40 am, Film Screening: “Kirikou e a Feiticeira”, by Michel Ocelot.
1 – 1:30 pm, Musical presentation: “Águas Claras”, with the Projeto ArtEmiliani coordinated by Joseane Silva de Albuquerque
1:30 – 2 pm, Poetry: ‘Cora Coralina: Aos moços’, by Rosângela Andorinha
2 – 3:30 pm, Samba de Roda Workshop with Carla Cristina Caetano of the Grupo de Dança e Teatro Savuru
3:30 – 4:30 pm, Presentation: ‘Contando danças...’, with the students of the Escola de Capoeira Angola Resistência
4:30 – 6 pm, Converations concerning themes about women
16:30h às 18h – Troca de Idéias sobre temáticas femininas.
6 – 8pm, Roda de Capoeira Angola
8 pm, Table of Fruits

Escola de Capoeira Angola Resistência
Contra-Mestre Topete
Terminal Central de Campinas - Viaduto Miguel Vicente Cury
Campinas - SP - Brasil
contact: escola (dot) resistencia (at) gmail (dot) com

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