
Capoeira Angola in Nicaragua

There's Capoeira Angola in Mexico and Costa Rica, and now a study group in Nicaragua. Here is a message from Maluquinho:

After the encounters with Mestre Cobra Mansa, I am starting a study group in the Rufino Garay Theater in Nicaragua to continue working for resistance through Capoeira Angola. A very difficult job here, but with the help of god and my mestre I will continue.

If anyone is looking to train in Managua, Nicaragua, the theater is in the Las Palmas park and the training days are Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 6 -8 pm. Salutations and hugs for the entire FICA community that I am looking forward to meeting and playing in the roda. Thank you, Mestre Cobra Mansa, for the friendship and teaching.
We in the USA can take a road trip down to Brazil, visiting everyone along the way!

1 comment:

Unknown said...


I practice Capoeira Angola in the city of Quebec and my teacher is Roque Bomfim-Batista de Jesus, this summer, I am going to work for 2 months in Granada,Nicargua and I am looking to continue my practices there. Is there,by any chance, Capoeira Angola in Granada ?

Thank you very much

Tende um bom dia

Laura Cristina