
Salvador, Brazil: 7th Feijoada of ACANNE

Associação de Capoeira Angola Navio Negreiro

O Sabor do Saber Ancestral
7a Feijoada da ACANNE

The ACANNE community invites all to taste the Flavor of the Ancestral Knowledge (o Sabor do Saber Ancestral, yes it sounds much better in Portuguese…) during the Month of Black Consciousness.

This year, the event will be augmented to include a series of lectures concerning our struggle and our culture.

On Saturday, a traditional feijoada for Ogum will be served along with the customary canelinha of Iansã.

But don’t forget: everyone must eat with their fingers and everyone must bring a najé bowl.

Rua do Sodré, no. 48 – Largo Dois de Julho – Salvador – Bahia – Brazil
telephone: 71 3321 7496/ 9146 5999
mestrerene (at) yahoo (dot) com
acannezion (at) hotmail (dot) com

Schedule of Events
11/11, Wednseday
6 pm, Lecture: “Cheikh Anta Diop, the Senegalese intellectual, and his theory of a Black-African Egypt”, Prof. Paula Vargas Arana, masters in African Studies, El Colêgio de México
7:30 pm, Capoeira Angola class with Mestre Renê Bitencourt

11/13 - Friday
7 pm, Capoeira Angola roda

11/16 – Monday
6 pm, Movie: “Cry Freedom”. Directed by Richard Attenborough, 1987.
7:30 pm, Capoeira Angola class with Mestre Renê Bitencourt

11/18 – Wednesday
6 pm, Lecture: “The Black Consciousness of Stephen Biko and the South African Movement”, Prof. Christianne Vasconcellos, master of Social History, UFBA
7 pm, talk with Elizabeth, a South African from the khosa society (to be confirmed)
7:30 pm, Capoeira Angola class with Mestre Renê Bitencourt

11/20 - Friday
7 pm, Capoeira Angola roda in homage of Zumbi dos Palmares and Black Consciousness Month

11/21 – Saturday
10 am, Capoeira Angola roda, Samba de Roda, and Feijoada

Have fun!

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