
Washington, DC: Beginners' Class

FICA-DC is offering another beginners' session starting next week. If you have any friends who would be interested, pass the information along!

Special Introductory Capoeira Angola Session

Starting March 3rd

What: Special Beginner's Session (10 classes over 5 weeks)
When: Tuesdays & Thursdays from 6:30 to 8 pm Mar 3rd thru Apr 2nd, 2009
Cost: $100 for 10 classes (includes a t-shirt)
Where: 733 Euclid St. NW, WDC Between Georgia Ave and Sherman Ave

Here's your chance to experience a unique martial art in a comfortable and fun environment. Learn the basic movements of Capoeira Angola. Learn to sing traditional Capoeira Angola songs in Portuguese. Learn to play the berimbau, pandeiro, atabaque, and other instruments.

Contact us: Phone (202) 332-0828 or E-mail ficadc (at) hotmail (dot) com

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