
Happy Birthday Mestre Pastinha!

Mestre Pastinha on the berimbau.

On this day in 1889, Vicente Ferreira Pastinha was born.

The story goes that when Pastinha was ten years old, he was always getting beat up by a bigger boy. An old African man saw this, and one day called Pastinha over to him. He promised Pastinha that he would show him a way to get the bigger boy. The man's name was Benedito, and he showed Pastinha the movements of capoeira. Sometime later, Pastinha met the larger boy in the street again and won the fight. Pastinha said that the bigger boy became his friend and admirer.

Later, Pastinha taught capoeira in the navy, and eventually opened his own school. In 1941, Mestre Amorzinho, a well-known capoeira mestre who held weekly rodas in Liberdade, passed the leadership of Capoeira Angola to Mestre Pastinha.

Throughout his life, Pastinha held a number of different jobs, and was an accomplished painter, but he was always best known for his devotion to Capoeira Angola.

Ie! Viva Pastinha!

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