
Rome, Italy: "Quem Nunca Viu, Venha Ver"

The Grupo São Bento Pequeno de Capoeira Angola
would like to invite you to

“Quem Nunca Viu, Venha Ver”

The 7th International Capoeira Angola Encounter
Rome, Italy


Mestre Claúdio (Angoleiros do Sertão)
Mestre Rogério (Grupo São Bento Pequeno)

Friday, July 02 – Sunday, July 04

2 – 3 days: 70 Euros
1 day: 40 Euros

at the CSOA Forte Prenestino
Via F. Delpino (East Rome) – Transportation: Tram n. 5 from Termini Station (Central Station); Tram n. 19 from Porta Maggiore

Space to sleep is available (bring your sleeping bag and mat!) or you can tent it if you want.

Good food is available at the Forte’s Restaurant. Low prices and vegan/vegetarian menu.

Contact: saobentopequeno (at) gmail (dot) com

Thanks to Elisa for the poster.

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