
Edison Carneiro: Os Moleques de Sinhá na Bahia

Edison Carneiro (1912 - 1972) is a well-known Brazilian intellectual and writer who dedicated his life to preserving Brazilian culture. He wrote a number of studies on different aspects of Brazilian culture, which he published in short books called cadernos. Because he focused on aspects of culture associated with "black" Brazil, such as capoeira and candomblé, he had a difficulty publishing his work.

In his book, Cadernos de Folclore - Capoeira, he presents basic information about the art form. Here is a little bit from that notebook, as he talks about capoeiristas of the time and the places they hung out:

The preferred places to vadiar were Boa Viagem on New Years, Ribeira on the Monday of Bonfim, the Terreiro during Carnaval, and the Mercado Modelo during the Festival of Senhora da Conceição, but today the moleques de sinhá practice in designated areas, the academies of old Pastinha in Pelourinho, of Waldemar, Canjiquinha, and others…

… The famous capoeiristas of Bahia were, until recently, the fisherman Samuel Querido de Deus and the longshoreman Maré, both from the capital, and Siri do Mangue, from Santo Amaro. Other well-known capoeiras are the “captain” Aberrê, Juvenal, Polu, Onça Preta, Barbosa, Zepelin… Some of their students have moved to Rio de Janeiro and are trying to continue vadiando there.

The book was published in 1975, a few years after his death. Today there is a fantastic musuem in Rio de Janeiro dedicated to Edison Carneiro in regards for his contributions to Brazil.

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