
M. Cobra Mansa Workshop Re-cap

Cobra passes a bit of mandinga to Livia & Ugo.

Thank you to everyone who came to the workshops with Mestre Cobra Mansa in DC this past weekend. We learned a lot and had a good time.

Ugo, Mike, Livia, & Alonso from Atlanta drove up (11 hours!). Puck/Cachorro Doido, Njoli, Aaron, and Oliver (from Mestre João Grande's school) came down from New York. Nandita, Denzel, Thiambe, Marcos, and Skher came from Baltimore. Jessica from Montreal came by on her travels back to Canadaland. We had folks from Richmond, too.

If I forgot anymore, feel free to make your presence known in the comments section.

Njoli, Fabio, Jennifer, Alonso, & Puck having a blast on the bateria.

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