When: March 16-18
Where: Bryson Gymnasium, Warren Wilson College, Asheville, NC
Cost: $90 in advance or $100 at the door
A rough schedule of events:
Reception, Roda, Lecture with Mestre
Class 10:00-12:30
Instrument class
Movement class
Video from mestres collection (this video is an extremely rare one, just found of
Mestre Pastinha playing Mestre João Pequeno)
Discussion; possible video or slideshow
Closing Roda.
??Samba de Roda??
From the organizers:
Mestre Pé de Chumbo is a tremendous Angoleiro. He is one of the few people
to have earned the title of Mestre under João Pequeno de Pastinha. You will
not regret a moment of time studying with this amazing teacher. He has
groups all over the world and to find him in the Southeastern US is an
opportunity not to be missed!
You provide your own food, lodging and transportation. There are limited places to stay available with local group members - contact John McGee for further details. Advance payments must be post-marked by 3/7/2007 and must be either cash or check made out to John McGee. Send advance payments to John McGee, 20 Cottontail Rd., Asheville, NC 28805.
For more details contact either of the following:
John at (828)242-5528 or lightofthedragon at yahoo dot com.
Stefan at (828)253-4610 or steebodesign at hotmail dot com