
Memories of Mestre Waldemar

In 2004, a Dutch capoeira magazine published an interview with Mestre Cobra Mansa following his first workshops in the Netherlands. In the article, Mestre Cobra Mansa talks about his first seeing capoeira, meeting Mestre Moraes, his research on the berimbau, the old mestres, and more. Here is an excerpt:

The person who taught me most about capoeira and life itself was Mestre Waldemar. He was a very happy and joyful person, who always talked and smiled a lot. He said he had everything he longed for in life. But at the end of his days he suffered, just because he didn’t know how to make use of his capoeira. This had a great influence on me, in two ways: I try to save for a good future, but also to enjoy everything I can. Because today could be the last one so I won’t die unhappy...

...Mestre Waldemar used to tell me about where he went, what he did, the girlfriends he had. And when he talked, he was reliving those moments, his eyes began to shine! The same happens if you talk to Mestre João Pequeno and Mestre João Grande. When they tell you their stories it is like you are there with them. I mirror myself a lot to those people.

I think that capoeira is like Mestre Decânio told it to me once. A phrase that is very interesting to me: “A capoeira não é para morrer, é para viver”. So let’s live capoeira!
This and other great articles are available for your perusal in our archives.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This article looks really interesting. What language is it in originally? Can you put it aside at the FICA-DC space so we can look at it? Thanks!