

Let's open this blog the way we like to start all good things in Capoeira Angola.

Capoeira é uma arte
Que o negro inventou
Foi na briga de duas zebras
Que o N'golo se criou
Chegando aqui no Brasil
Capoeira se chamou
Ginga e danca que era arte
Em arma se transformou
Para libertar o negro
Da senzala do senhor
Hoje aprendo essa cultura
Para me conscientizar
Agradeço Deus do Ceu
E a força dos orixas!

This is a great ladainha that succinctly conveys the history of capoeira and its significance today. I'll leave it to you and your pocket dictionaries to translate because it is quite straightforward.

We'll have a lot more music in the future, and will discuss what it means and from whence it came, so put us in your favorites, add comments, and check back often.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great...it's so organized and informative. Thanks!