
Capoeira Angola in Hawaii


A note from Hawaii:

It was the first Capoeira Angola event in our new space, which is on the land where we have created a small homestead. Our space sits fifty feet from our house in front of the goat and chicken yard. We are excited to incorporate sustainable living and permaculture principles; planting bananas, fruit trees, papayas, taro and cassava, greens and vegetables, bee keeping, composting, mulching and living simpler and closer with nature. Since the first times that Mestre Jurandir and Contramestre Silvinho came to the Big Island of Hawaii in 2006 our group has been moving forward day by day, and today, with the blessing of our Mestre, we are able to hang our berimbaus on a wall devoted to this beautiful art form. Today we can light a candle and incense to remind us of the ones who came before us so that we can enjoy Capoeira Angola.

While Contramestre Silvinho was here we trained every morning and had workshops every evening. We promoted Capoeira Angola at the University with a free demo/first time workshop. The next day we did a demonstration at the annual parade in the historic downtown Pahoa. Students, who were taking a sabbatical from the group, joined us for the weekend of fun and challenge and learned more about group participation and community connection. When asked by Contramestre Silvinho, "What is Capoeira Angola", the kids from our local school program responded with answers such as, "to make friends", "respect", "martial art", "dance", "working together" and "music". And so, with gratitude in our hearts and the continued support of Mestre Jurandir, Contramestre Silvinho and FICA, Capoeira Angola continues to enhance our community here in Hawaii.

Many thanks to Joe, leader of the group in Hawaii for the report. Make sure to give him a call if you are headed to Hawaii. Sounds like pretty good living...

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