
Rio de Janeiro: September Workshops

Looks like a great event...

Capoeira Angola
120 Years of Abolition

Workshops with Mestres Cobra Mansa and Janja

Event Prices:
R$50,00 until September 5
R$70,00, from September 6 and on

To make a bank deposit, call:
Tels: 3356-2382 / 2595-0804
9705-4594 / 7841-9703
9486-3406 / 9306-9977


September 20
9 am - noon, workshops
2:00 – 4:00 pm, workshops
4:00 6:00 pm, roundtable discussion with invited mestres
6:00 pm, roda

September 21
9 am - noon, workshops
2:00 – 4:00 pm, workshops
4:00 pm, closing roda

Where: Rua Evaristo da Veiga, no. 95 – Lapa
ESDJ, Escola Superior de Desenho Industrial
For those who do not participate in the workshops but would like to play in the roda, there will be a R$25,00 charge.

Thanks to Contramestre Urubu for the flyer.

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