
Para Ser Bom Capoeira Não Precisa Ser Doutô

The honorary doctorate degree that Mestre João Pequeno de Pastinha received last week from the Federal University of Bahia was a wonderful act of recognition by the university. The city government even sponsored a few billboards around the city of Salvador announcing the doctorate.

However, the fact of the matter is that through his own hard work and dedication, oftentimes in the face of huge obstacles, Mestre João Pequeno de Pastinha has been an internationally-recognized cultural icon for decades. His academy has attracted and educated thousands of people from all over the world, and he has passed down capoeira as a cultural manifestation integral to the history and culture of Brazil.

Capoeira has always had a tenuous relationship with the law, from its prohibition in the nineteenth century to attemps by the government to control who can teach capoeira. Mestre Camaleao has a nice ladainha, highlighting capoeira's (and capoeiristas themselves) ability to evade these attempts at control by the government.
Andam dizendo por aí (2x)
Que uma lei já se formou
Para regulamentar capoeira
Essa e coisa de doutô
Quem elaborou essa lei (2x)
Capoeira não jogou
Capoeira nasceu no gueto
Que o mundo já ganhou
A capoiera está livre
Desse sistema opressor
Para ser bom capoeira (2x)
Não precisa ser doutô
Todo mestre e doutôado
Dessa arte meu senhor!
What a great song! Beautifully written with a powerful message. Mestre Camaleão sings this song on his album, "Vai na paz de Deus". The whole album has a fantastic energy. Its great for training.

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