
Women in Capoeira Music

There are various ladainhas and corridos that commemorate the presence of women in Capoeira. At the women's conference in Atlanta last year, and at the conference this year, we went around the room, each person singing a different song that talked about women in capoeira. Of course, Dona Maria do Camboatá was one of the first to be sung!

Dona Maria do Camboatá
Ela chega na venda ela manda botar
Dona Maria do Camboatá
Ela chama o menino e manda comprár
Dona Maria do Camboatá
Se não tem, se não acha ela manda trocar
Dona Maria do Camboatá
É do camboatá, é do Camboatá
Dona Maria do Camboatá
Volta na venda prá reclamar
Dona Maria do Camboatá
Ela chega na venda e começa a gingar
Dona Maria do Camboatá
Ela chega na venda e dá salto mortá
Dona Maria do Camboatá
É do camboatá, é do Camboatá
Dona Maria do Camboatá
Uma dose de cana prá ela tomar
Dona Maria do Camboatá
Ela senta na mesa e manda botar
Dona Maria do Camboatá
Ela vem de Mutá, ela vem de Mutá
Dona Maria do Camboatá

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi! I don't know who is in charge of this site or if you've seen my blog or not, but if you haven't, it just so happens that I wrote about women in capoeira songs the day before this post went up! The post I wrote is at this link (http://mandingueira.wordpress.com/2008/03/26/capoeira-songs-and-the-roar-on-the-other-side-of-silence/ ), and I am also trying to compile a list of "women-friendly" capoeira song lyrics, here: http://mandingueira.wordpress.com/2008/03/28/capoeira-song-lyrics-about-women/.
I thought I'd share them here since they were so relevant to this post. Thank you!