
Film about M Bimba

Nina Luz, film producer, Mestre Itapoã, Luiz Fernando Goulart, Director of the Film, M Cobra Mansa, and others at the film’s premiere in Salvador.

Filmmaker Luiz Fernando Goulart sent this message about his upcoming film about M Bimba.

“Mestre Bimba, Illuminated Capoeira” Finally in Brazilian Cinemas!

The long-awaited documentary that tells of the life of M Bimba, creator of Capoeira Regional, with never-seen-before footage of the great mestre and interviews with many of his students and aquaintances, will be coming soon to theaters in the major cities of Brazil the second week in August. The trailer to the film will be shown this week.

This will be a magic moment for those who love capoeira and a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to discover who M Bimba is, for those who do not know. Pass this information on. Let’s fill the theaters and show, once again, the strength of our capoeira.

If you are near a city that is going to show the film, come out, bring your group, invite your friends and family. This mobilization will guarantee the success of the film and will help bring new students to capoeira, open new spaces within the media, and help others who want to produce films about capoeira.

The DVD, with bonus tracks of new footage will be available at the end of the year.

Muito AXÉ and a big hug,

Luiz Fernando Goulart

Here’s the website and a trailer for the movie, available through the website www.portalcapoeira.com-- which has a lot of information about capoeira regional and capoeira in general-- they even have crossword puzzles!

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