
Soustons, France: Event with M Pedrinho de Caxias

III Capoeira Angola Event
Terreiro Mandinga de Angola
“Angola me chama”

Mestre Pedriho de Caxias
Contramestre Dorado (ACAMCAB)
Contramestre Forro (ACAMCAB)
Profesor Caverinha (TMA)

Association Culturelle Capoeira Angola TMA
Capoeira Angola Terreiro Mandinga de Angola

June 5, 6 & 7
Hall des Sports, Soustons

June 6, Brazilian Party
Cap’tain Bar Velho Boucau Plage
No Cover

For more information, call: 06 11 02 74 23, ou, 06 84 37 54 71

Thanks to Jagad for the flyer.

Oakland, USA: Attack of the Treineus!!

June 11 - 14

Treineus Beto, Gege & Fabio will be in Oakland, California this weekend.

The idea is for the treineus, FICA-Oakland, and anyone else who can make ti that weekend to get together and train and share their knowledge of Capoeira Angola.

Have fun!


Celebrating 102 Years of M Pastinha in Goiás

Here are some pictures from the FICA-Goiás celebration of 120 years of Mestre Pastinha with the presence of Mestres Sabu and Goiano.

Thanks to Renato for the pictures.


João Pessoa, Brazil: 6 Hour Roda

The group Capoeira Angola Berimbau Viola has the pleasure to invite all to the third annual encounter, “6 hour roda de capoeira” that will take place during the Festa das Neves, from 3 – 9 pm, on August 1st, in front of the monastery of São Bento.


Brighton, UK: Vadiação 2009

Capoeira Vadiação 2009
Brighton – UK
3 – 5 July

Invited guests: Mestre Russo, Mestre Guara, Mestre Roberval, Mestre Joãozinho, Mestre Polaco, Cm Pernalonga, Prof. Fubuia, Prof. Cláudio

where: Brighton & Hove High School
Montpelier Road, Brighton
E. Sussex BN1 3AT

Friday, July 3: 6 – 10 pm
Saturday, July 4: 11 am – 6 pm
Sunday, July 5: 11 am – 6 pm

Costs: 3 days, £55
any 2 days, £45
Sat or Sun, £25
Fri only, £15

Concessions available for Amazonas members & non-members
Contacts: capoeiraboneco (at) hotmail (dot) com, tel. 07919586299


Thanks to Rilene for the flyer.

Mestre Moraes on Mestre Juvenal

Mestre Moraes, president of the Grupo Capoeira Angola Pelourinho, is one of the most respected capoeira mestres in the world, recognized internationally not only for his game and work to preserve Capoeira Angola, but also for his knowledge of the history and philosophy of capoeira.

We have already posted some of his work and interviews to this blog, but now Mestre Moraes is writing his own blog, which is full of amazing stories, reflections, and information. It is an amazing resource – and yet another reason to sharpen your Portuguese skills. Take advantage of his blog and visit it often.

Here is a translation of a recent post:

Mestre Juvenal was one of many mestres who defended capoeira with the force of someone who defends his own life. He was a student of Mestre Samuel Querido-de-Deus, who compared him to a jaguar because of his great agility. A longshoresman like many of the capoeiristas of his time, he took advantage of his break time after meals on the edge of the docks to practice the noble art with his friends.

When interviewed by the reporter Cháudio Tavares of the magazine “O Cruzeiro” in 1948, he confirmed that capoeira was his “cachaça”, not forgetting to highlight Capoeira Angola, “to distinguish it from the Regional of Mestre Bimba” according to the reporter’s interpretation.

Mestre Juvenal behaved differently than some angoleiros, contemporaries of the memorialist Manuel Querino who considered them“…pretentious, excessively talkative, with particular gestures, troublemakers, those who introduced “capoeiragem” to Bahia." Due to cultural and social dynamics, Juvenal was not like those described by Querino. He cultivated certain characteristics of his time: he was muscular, thin, but also agile and flexible, also talkative and mannered. According to Tavares, he was not a malandro, nor a professional capoeirista of the time that could be contracted to perform little services for the big guys. Like other capoeiristas of his time, Juvenal was a worker, a longshoresman who passed his day and into the night in the “pesado”. Could it be that this situation dedicated the capoeirista even more to capoeira? I don’t know.

Juvenal was proud of the mestre who taught him the secrets of a capoeirista "who, whether free or pinned down, could attack any adversary".
Read more at the blog.

Thanks to Mexicana for the tip.


Montreal, Canada: Event at the end of May

Capoeira Angola: Maintaining the Tradition

Saturday, May 30
12:30 - 4:30 pm
Movement & music workshops with Roque
Marianne Corneau presentation: "Capoeira Angola: réparation de la mémoire afro-brésilienne"
Feijoada after workshops

Sunday, May 31
10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Workshops with Roque
Film Screening: "Mandinga in Manhatan" by Lazario Faria

$50/ for a single day
$15/ feijoada
$95/ entire event

Everyone is welcome!

capoeiraangolaquebec (at) gmail (dot) com
418.524.6030, 418.554.7601

Grupo de estudo Québec

"Déjà un an de tradition vivante!"

Au programme:
Samedi 30 mai, 12h30 à 16h30
Atelier de Capoeira Angola avec Roque (mouvements et musique)
Présentation de Marianne Corneau "Capoeira Angola: réparation de la mémoire afro-brésilienne"
Feijoada en soirée

Dimanche 31 mai, 10h à 15h
Atelier de Capoeira Angola avec Roque
Projection du film "Mandinga in Manhatan"
de Lazario Faria

50$/ jour
95$/événement complet


Ilheus, Brazil: Capoeira, Samba & Beach

Cabello will be hosting an event this August in Ilheus, Bahia:

August 5th to 9th
Bahia Brasil

You will be living in the south Bahia close to historical city of Ilheus and the very famous Itacare'surf town for 5days and nights taking Capoeira Angola, Maculele, Afro Brazilian Dance and lots of Drumming classes plus instrument making workshops, forest hikes, water falls, white sand beaches, forroï dance party and more.

Enjoy and experience classes and workshops of Caxixi, Pandeiro, Atabaque, Batucada drumming, Samba dance, Orixaï Dance, Capoeira Angola Rodas songs and other percussion ensembles and moreï

No prior experience required!! All levels welcome!!!

Space is limited to only 35 people so please register soon!!

For more information, check out the website.

Thanks to MG for the information.